
Actualités, en arrière-plan & idées

Juni 20, 2019

The Reilhofer Technology Day as an industry event for new products and best practices

Customers, prospectives and partners gather regularly in Germany, the United States, Italy and China to share their views on RHF diagnosis systems and their use cases.
First Reilhofer Technology Day in China, April 2019. Xing Wang (RHF China) and Andreas Mathiak (RHF Head of Global Sales) welcome the participants.

We are committed to the continuous development of our products, in line with market demands. The auto industry is changing at a dizzying pace. And we are keeping up. The focus switched some time ago from combustion issues to questions relating to e-drives. What’s more, in addition to automobile engines and transmission units, acoustics are now also an important factor in many other areas. Hence, it can be helpful to provide our customers with a neat update that keeps them abreast of our latest developments in a compact event.

The Reilhofer Technology Day has been held for several years now precisely for this purpose. We use the event to present innovation, discuss use cases and to answer questions on all areas relating to the use of Reilhofer diagnosis systems. Moreover, this conference is the ideal opportunity to talk shop with other experts and to launch topics that will become highly relevant in the future.

The Reilhofer Technology Day is not an exclusively German event. For some years now, we have been successfully organising a sister conference in Michigan/USA. Following the 2017 opening of our RHF location in Italy, our Italian customers, prospectives and partners gathered last year by popular demand for the first Reilhofer Technology Day Italy. An inaugural Reilhofer Technology Day for the Chinese market was also held in 2019. It therefore seems inevitable that additional iterations of the popular event will also be held elsewhere. Perhaps soon in your country? Feel free to contact us if you are interested.

First Reilhofer Technology Day in Italy. Stefano Geminiani (RHF Italy) moderated the event in November 2018.
Technical discussions and best practices dominate the agenda at these events.
Reilhofer Technology Days attract participants from all over the world.
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