Notizie, retroscena e approfondimenti
December 18, 2019
Many colourful RHF Christmas greetings went around the world
Of course, we are happy to communicate with you via digital media. But we don’t miss out on sending personal Christmas cards. We opened the marketing archive at the end of the year and found a colourful collage of Christmas greetings from the past few years. This year there is even a charity activity for the first time.
In the Christmas season you will surely receive many kinds of greetings from business partners and friends. Interestingly, sending greeting cards by post is still popular, even in times of short messaging services such as Twitter and WhatsApp. In Germany alone, the number of letters delivered at Christmas time doubles compared to the remaining days of the year. “Sending individual seasonal greetings to our business partners is important to us,” CMO Ingo Meyer explains that holding a card in your hands is a special kind of appreciation. And he does not want to do without this path in the future either.
We opened our Christmas mail archive and conjured up some finds. First of all: the Christmas card in the form of an advent calendar is no longer included. The chocolate would certainly have assumed a different “state of aggregation” by now. But the postcards with the cartoon are there. Likewise, the card in large format. Santa Claus with eolANALYSER and deltaANALYSER. It’s always a useful gift… After the cartoon phase, the folding card came in a 3D look. Once with the products and once with the RHF team.
Now almost all Christmas greetings have been sent out this year in our new design. And of course there is something special again. For the first time, the Christmas card is linked to a charity campaign: Reilhofer KG donates € 5 for each response to the Christmas mail to the “Give kids a voice” initiative of SOS Children’s Villages. “Since we are present in so many countries around the world every year, we also become aware during the many business trips that living conditions in other parts of the world are different from ours. And that makes you thinking,”says Ingo Meyer. That is the reason why the Reilhofer KG wants to make a contribution to children in crisis regions of the world. The feedback will be collected until the end of January 2020 and the RHF donations will then be handed over. We will report.
Every year it is a pleasure to send a message to our customers and partners at Christmas time. Because we always want to put humanity at the forefront of all of this sometimes intensive everyday work. We wish everyone a nice, peaceful Christmas time.