For fresh ideas and a bright future
Our next-generation experts need guidance and know-how. Reilhofer KG supports students, universities and young scientists’ projects in a variety of fields. By doing so, we are laying the foundation for the continued advancement of technology and society as a whole.
Students are integral parts of the RHF team
Students need to be involved in the practical side to work so that they can try out what they have learned and embark on their careers with adequate experience and realistic expectations of what professional life will entail. At Reilhofer KG, students are invited to participate actively in research and development projects. They may do so as part of a technical internship or when completing their bachelor, master or Diplom thesis. Student trainees belong to the team as well. We enable students from a variety of fields to complete their credits with a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. During their work at our company, we make certain they are properly mentored at all times, as this the only way to enable effective knowledge transfer.

Besides extensive insight into how the company operates and the various departments interact, my time at Reilhofer KG gave me knowledge of areas that were not really included in any detail as part of my degree programme. The internship semester was a particular blessing. It gave me the chance to visit our customers and to acquire a better understanding of how and where our products are used, also which benefits they bring to the customers. I was even able to conduct a few measurements in Sweden as part of my bachelor thesis. Trying my hand at so many technical areas and contributing to the work are hugely motivational and instructive opportunities.
Cora Schiemenz, intern and bachelor student at RHF
Our launchpad for graduates
We are definitely the right choice for graduates looking to jump straight into working life, with their own remit, tasks and responsibilities. Graduates enjoy a successful start to their careers with us, receive the support they need, and are given their own purview.
Reilhofer KG is a premium partner to the TUfast Racing Team
The TUfast Racing Team at the Technical University of Munich has built proprietary race cars since 2002, which it enters in global competitions within the Formula Student series – to considerable success. Reilhofer KG has been a premium partner to the Racing Team since 2019. We support the young engineers with our technical expertise in performing acoustic analyses during development of the new vehicle.
Competing in Formula Student is a great challenge, but a stiff one as well. Each year, our team of engineers, computer scientists and business managers works hard to ensure optimised development and construction of our technically sophisticated vehicles. But for that we need reliable partners. What makes our collaboration with Reilhofer KG so special is the technical support: we use the deltaANALYSER to conduct a variety of tests on our race cars during their development process and analyse the data together. This helps us to continue professionalising our powertrain.
Eva Herrmann, Team Managerin des TUfast Racing Teams 2019

RHF measurement technology for universities
In particular cases, we make our diagnosis systems available to universities at special rates to allow university students to work with state-of-the-art technology and to transfer their theoretical knowledge into the practical domain.